Artwork by Glen Burkhardt

Using clay, metal and wood to tell new stories with echoes from the past

I’m a former architect and retired corporate executive now designing and hand-building objects with clay, metal and wood. My practice began during the pandemic and has increasingly become a meditative passion that fuels my creative spirit - something that lay dormant for many years. While I do this work for myself, it is a distinct pleasure when it resonates with others.

I am especially drawn to the manner in which the scars and patina of both making and decay tell a story. I believe the history of an object is embodied in those marks, and if we listen closely enough with our eyes, we can hear it’s whispered stories.

Lastly, I would like to give special thanks to my instructors and mentors at the Fountain Square Clay Center in Indianapolis who continue to point the way on this enriching journey - Peggy Breidenbach, Kenny Sprinkle and Chris DePrez - deep gratitude to you all.

nature, texture, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,

“Grenadeen” was coil built from stoneware and soda-fired. The cap is salvaged iron pipe.

Video of work on display at the Fountain Square Clay Center in Indianapolis - where I maintain a private studio.

foraged, formed and forged

sand texture

“d’Ark” is wood and soda-fired stoneware with a reclaimed wooden pestle lid

Glazed and surface treated stoneware with vintage crank

black sand texture

Pinched and glazed stoneware nest for collection of beach-combed driftwood

Work in progresss…

background texture of beach

“Blase” is coil-built and wood-fired stoneware

“Chim-chiminea” is slab built and soda-fired stoneware

“Siloons” is slab-built glazed stoneware fired three times (Electric, Gas, Electric) to get desired finish, Topped by three vintage croquet balls.

Handbuilt slab construction, glazed and raku-fired